Beauty and the Beast is a story of a charming young girl named Beauty who respects her father’s words and goes to live with a Beast. She values the inward characteristics of the kind Beast and falls in love with him despite his outward appearance. Featuring 12 pages of captivating illustrations, ‘Wonderful Story Board-Book – Beauty and the Beast’ is one of the well-loved fairy tales.
This classic retold tale with a cute die-cut presentation is sure to capture tiny tots’ interest, page after page, as they take their imagination on a magical journey. It is indeed to remain a favourite of children to read or listen to again and again.
Age / Size Guidance
3-8 Years
Brand Details
Dreamland Publications is the leading children book publisher in India publishing more than 3000 titles in different categories like Preschool books, Activity books, Colouring books, Fairy tales, Board books, Picture Dictionaries , Charts etc.